The Civics Credentialing System leverages Open Badges technology. The Open Badges standard defines a type of digital badge that is verifiable, portable, and packed with information about skills and achievements.
Digital badges are visual digital documents that recognize competencies, skills, learning, commitments, actions, and achievements. Digital badges are displayed as a digital symbol that can be posted on a website. Most importantly, they are linked back to the issuer of the badge, the assessment criteria, and the evidence of achievement, which substantiates the badges’ credibility. Users will also easily be able to display their badges using different social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook and personal blogs.
Open Badges are digital badges that follow open standards, which allow for greater acceptance and interoperability. Open Badges have these characteristics:
In 2011, Mozilla started a new project called “Open Badges”, which aimed at making use of digital badges at a global and decentralized scale. The open nature of the specification makes it easy for anyone to issue, earn, and display badges across the web—through an infrastructure that uses shared and open technical standards. Moreover, it allows for various parties to develop software that will easily interact with such badges over the web, be it for issuing, earning them, displaying them or making endorsements.
Since its inception, the open-badge initiative has grown through a large community of contributors. The Open Badges website offers a long list of those using badges: organizations which are issuing badges and those designing badges. The list includes several educational institutions, such as University of Southern California, University of Illinois and UC Davis; as well as other organizations such as IBM, Disney-Pixar, Gogo Labs, and Microsoft.
Given the importance of the open standards that characterize Open Badges, throughout the rest of this document, open digital badges are referred often as simply digital badges or badges interchangeably.
Open Badges establish a common framework for recognizing skills and competencies between employers, professionals and educational providers.When accepted and used by all parties, open badges become a major channel of communication, establishing common standards and common language that define and describe professional achievement. For organizations, open badges help identify quality professionals through recognized and substantiated skills and competencies. For individuals, open badges are a way to display such skills and competencies, making them more visible in the job market.
There are five major players in a badging ecosystem: earners, issuers, displayers, consumers, and directories. The basic workflow describing how these players interact in the process of finding, earning, issuing, claiming, sharing and recognizing a digital badge, can be described by the diagram to the left.
Numerous companies, such as, Credly, Badge Alliance, Accredible, and Open Badge Factory, provide Digital Badge Platforms to support the technical needs for offering digital badges. The beauty of the Open Badge standard is that badges issued on any of these platforms can be consumed by the other platforms.